Individual Thought Patterns: Women in NY’s Extreme Metal Music Scene – 10.19.15

Cover of Natalie Purcell's book
Cover from Natalie Purcell’s book, Death Metal Music: The Passion and Politics of a Subculture

I just realized that although I’ve been working on this research for some time, I’ve rarely posted anything that’s part of the draft thesis. So in case you were wondering…here’s a sample of what I’ve been writing about. I’ve included the abstract, table of contents, and just the working introduction, which reads very auto-ethnographic.
Draft – Individual Thought Patterns
And of course, please feel free to contact me if there’s something just glaringly odd/off. It’s still a draft form so I’m sure my advisor and second reader will have changes in mind.

Thanks  \m/

Art Making – “Inspiration” is the Word of the Day

I’ve been marinating some ideas for getting creative again. It’s been awhile since I’ve painted or created anything remotely artistic. I’ve been too mired in academia and while that’s ok, lately I’ve been needing some sort of expressive outlet.

It goes without saying that creating and having music play in the background goes hand in hand for me. I used to paint with both music and a glass of something alcoholic to add to the ambiance. I can’t say that I’ve done that at all recently, especially after having my daughter, I’m not sure I can even recall the last time I just let go artistically.

So I think another project I have on the burner is to start getting myself to create a piece of art each week, whether it’s a doodle here or there, or something more substantial. My newest idea involves working collaborating with a friend(s) on a zine. I’m still not sure if I want to do something more along the lines of an informative and artistic zine or just an artist book. Either way, it’s already got my mind stimulated with ideas. I also want to explore my hand at book arts as I have some bindery tools gathering dust in my basement. Being around books all day isn’t the only inspiration. I’ve started a Pinterest account and it’s both awe inspiring and amazing to see all the things people pin when you search book arts as a keyword.

Some subjects and themes of inspiration for drawing/illustrating/painting are:
dia de los muertos
pop surrealism
sheet music
women musicians
musical instruments
fairy tales

Some artists who inspire me:
Camille Rose Garcia
Alex Gross
Zak Smith
Audrey Kawasaki
Natalia Fabia

But where does one find the time outside full-time work, full-time school, and full-time mothering to be creative? I haven’t an answer to this yet and I’m hoping it doesn’t hold me back from creating.